IR20 Prussian Musketeer Battalion

IR20 Prussian Musketeer Battalion

List of Stock Numbers

Here is the updated listing of Minden Miniatures. Note that rank and file infantry will be sold in bags of 8 figures and cavalry in bags of three figures (including horses), both unless otherwise indicated. Infantry command packs will vary from 3 figures to 5 figures in most cases, depending on the number of standards and extra musicians that are required.

Stock Number Description Unit Price Figures per unit
Prussian Infantry - Prussian Cuffs
MP-001 Prussian Musketeer Command - Prussian Cuffs $8.00 4
MP-002 Prussian Musketeers Marching - Prussian Cuffs $16.008
MP-003 Prussian Standard Bearers, pack of 2 figures $4.00 2
MP-004 Prussian Grenadier Command - Prussian Cuffs $6.00 3
MP-005 Prussian Grenadiers Marching - Prussian Cuffs $16.008
MP-006 Prussian Zimmermen with Axe - Prussian Cuffs $4.00 2
MP-007 Prussian Artillery Crew w/tools $8.00 4
MP-008 Prussian Mounted Officer w/horse $6.00 1
Prussian Infantry - Swedish Cuffs
MP-009 Prussian Musketeer Command - Swedish Cuffs $8.00 4
MP-010 Prussian Musketeers Marching - Swedish Cuffs $16.008
MP-011 Prussian Grenadier Command - Swedish Cuffs $6.00 3
MP-012 Prussian Grenadiers Marching - Swedish Cuffs $16.008
MP-013 Prussian Fusilier Command - Swedish Cuffs $8.00 4
MP-014 Prussian Fusiliers Marching - Swedish Cuffs $16.008
Prussian Jagers & Dismounted Hussars
MP-015 Jager Command $6.00 3
MP-016 Jagers Skirmishing (2 ea. Of 5 poses) $20.0010
MP-017Pair of saddled hussar horses, for horseholders$7.502
MP-018 Dismounted Hussars - Busby (5 foot & 1 horse) $13.00 6
MP-019 Dismounted Hussasr - Mirliton (5 foot & 1 horse) $13.00 6
Prussian Cavalry (includes horse)
MPC-001 Prussian Cuirassier Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MPC-002 Prussian Cuirassier Troopers $18.00 3
MPC-003 Prussian Kettle Drummer $7.00 1
MPC-004 Prussian Dragoon Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MPC-005 Prussian Dragoon Troopers $18.00 3
MPC-006 Prussian Hussar Command - Busbies (officer, musician) $12.00 2
MPC-007 Prussian Hussar Troopers - Busbies $12.00 2
MPC-008 Prussian Hussar Command - Mirlitons (officer, musician) $12.00 2
MPC-009 Prussian Hussar Troopers - Mirlitons $12.00 2
Personality Figure Sets (Austria & Prussia)
PER-001 Duke of Brunswick & Staff (4-figures dismounted) $12.00 4
PER-002 Frederick the Great w/horse $7.00 1
PER-003 von Seydlitz w/horse $7.00 1
PER-004 von Zieten w/mounted courier (2-figure set) $9.00 1
PER-005 Austrian Hussar General Nadasdy w/horse $7.00 1
PER-006 Prince Charles of Lorraine w/Horse $7.00 1
PER-007 von Loudon w/horse $7.00 1
PER-008 Austrian General Staff, dismounted (3-figure set) $9.00 3
PER-009French Marshal with horse (2-variants in each set)$7.001
PER-010Maurice de Saxe with carriage, 2 horse team, rider set$36.001
Austrian (German) Infantry
MA-001 German Musketeer Command (officer, drummer, ensign, NCO) $8.00 4
MA-002 German Musketeers $16.008
MA-003 German Standard Bearers (2-figures) $4.00 2
MA-004 German Grenadier Command (officer, drummer, NCO) $6.00 3
MA-005 German Grenadiers $16.008
MA-006 German Mounted Colonel w/horse $6.00 1
Hungarian Infantry
MA-007 Hungarian Musketeer Command (officer, drummer, ensign, NCO) $8.00 4
MA-008 Hungarian Musketeers $16.008
MA-009 Hungarian Standard Bearers (2-figures) $4.00 2
MA-010 Hungarian Grenadier Command (officer, drummer, NCO) $6.00 3
MA-011 Hungarian Grenadiers $16.008
MA-012 Hungarian Mounted Colonel w/horse $6.00 1
Grenz Light Infantry & Austrian Artillery Crew
MA-013 Grenz Command (officer, drummer, NCO) $6.00 3
MA-014 Grenz Advancing (3 each of 2 poses) $12.006
MA-015 Grenz Kneeling (firing & loading - 3 each) $12.006
MA-016 Grenz Standing (firing & loading - 3 each) $12.006
MA-017 Austrian Artillery Crew w/tools $8.00 4
Austrian Cavalry (includes horse)
MAC-001 Austrian Cuirassier Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MAC-002 Austrian Cuirassier Troopers $18.00 3
MAC-003 Austrian Dragoon Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MAC-004 Austrian Dragoon Troopers $18.00 3
MAC-005 Austrian Hussar Command (officer, musician) $12.00 2
MAC-006 Austrian Hussar Troopers (2 variants) $12.00 2
CIV-001 Agricultural Laborers, Set 1 - 4 figures $8.00 4
CIV-002 Agricultural Laborers, Set 2 - 4 figures $8.00 4
CIV-003 Civilian Laborers or Pioneers - 4 figures $8.00 4
CIV-004 Armed Militia Set - 5 figures $10.00 5
CIV-005 Blacksmith Set $10.00 3
CIV-006 Mounted Gentlemen w/horse (2-figures) $12.00 2
CIV-007 Mounted Ladies w/horse (2-figures) $12.00 2
CIV-008 Dismounted Ladies & Gentlemen (4-figures) $10.00 4
CIV-009 Wagon drivers & horse holders (4-figures) $8.00 4
H-1 Heavy Horse #1, trotting $3.50 1
H-2 Heavy Horse #2, trotting, 1 hoof off ground $3.50 1
H-3 Heavy Horse, standing $3.50 1
H-4 Heavy Horse, walking $3.50 1
H-5 Heavy Horse, walking, head turned (H-2 variant) $3.50 1
H-6 Heavy Horse, trotting (H-1 variant) $3.50 1
H-7 Medium Horse, walking, officers' horse $3.50 1
H-8 Medium Horse, standing $3.50 1
H-9 Medium Horse, walking, (H-7 variant) $3.50 1
H-10 Medium Horse, standing (H-8 variant) $3.50 1
H-11 Heroic Horse, rearing $3.50 1
H-12 Light Horse, galloping, legs bunched $3.50 1
H-13 Light Horse, galloping, legs stretched $3.50 1
H-14 Light Horse, walking $3.50 1
H-15 Light Horse, standing $3.50 1
H-16 Standing horse for Hussar Horseholders $3.50 1
H-17 Wounded Horse, on ground $3.50 1
Hanoverian Infantry
MH-001 Hanoverian Musketeer Command (officer, drum, ensign, NCO) $8.00 4
MH-002 Hanoverian Musketeers $16.008
MH-003 Hanoverian Standard Bearers (2-figures) $4.00 2
MH-004 Hanoverian Grenadier Command (officer, drum, NCO) $6.00 3
MH-005 Hanoverian Grenadiers $16.008
MH-006 Hanoverian Artillery Crew w/tools $8.00 4
MH-007 Hanoverian Mounted Colonel $6.00 1
Hanoverian Cavalry (includes horses)
MHC-001 Hanoverian Horse Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MHC-002 Hanoverian Horse Troopers $18.003
MHC-003 Hanoverian Dragoon Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MHC-004 Hanoverian Dragoon Troopers $18.003
British Infantry
MB-001 British Infantry Command (officer, 2 ensigns, drummer, NCO) $10.00 5
MB-002 British Hatmen, marching $16.008
MB-003 British Grenadier Command (officer, drummer, NCO) $6.00 3
MB-004 British Grenadiers, marching $16.008
MB-005 British Mounted Colonel w/horse $6.00 1
MB-006 British Artillery Crew w/tools $8.00 4
Highlander Infantry
MB-007 Highlander Command - Marching (officer, 2 ensign, piper, drummer, NCO) $12.00 6
MB-008 Highlanders - Marching $8.00 4
MB-009 Highlander Command - Firing Line $10.00 5
MB-010 Highlanders - Standing Firing $12.006
MB-011 Highlanders - Kneeling Firing $12.006
MB-012 Highlanders - Standing At The Ready $12.006
MB-013 Highlanders - Kneeling At The Ready $16.006
British Cavalry
MBC-001 British Horse Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MBC-002 British Horse Troopers $18.003
MBC-003 British Dragoon Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MBC-004 British Dragoon Troopers $18.003
French Infantry without Turnbacks
MF-001 French Fusilier Command (officer, ensign, drummer, NCO) $8.00 4
MF-002 French Fusiliers $16.008
MF-003 French Standard Bearers (pack of 2) $4.00 2
MF-004 French Grenadiers in Tricorns $16.008
MF-005 French Mounted Colonel w/horse $6.00 1
MF-006 French Artillery Crew w/tools $8.00 4
French Infantry with Turnbacks
MF-007 French Fusilier Command - Turnbacks (officer, ensign, drummer, NCO) $8.00 4
MF-008 French Fusiliers with Turnbacks $16.008
Legion de Hainault Light Infantry
MF-009 Legion Command (officer, drummer, NCO) $6.00 3
MF-010 Legion Fusilier Firing (3 kneeling, 3 standing) $12.006
MF-011 Legion Fusiliers Advancing (3 x 2 variants) $16.006
MF-012 Legion Grenadiers Firing ( 3 x kneeling & standing) $12.006
MF-013 Legion Grenadiers Advancing (2 each of 3 variants) $12.00 6
French Cavalry (includes horses)
MFC-001 French Cavalry Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MFC-002 French Cavalry Troopers $18.003
MFC-003 French Dragoon Command (officer, musician, cornet) $18.00 3
MFC-004 French Dragoon Troopers $18.003
MFC-005 French Hussar Command (officer, musician) $10.50 2
MFC-006 French Hussar Trooper (2 variants) $10.50 2
 MFC-007     French Cuirassiers du Roi Command (ofc, musc, cornet)    $18.00                                  3
 MFC-008     French Cuirassiers du Roi Troopers                                     $18.00                                  3
 MFC-009     Volontaires de Saxe Command                                            $12.00                                  2
 MFC-010     Volontaires de Saxe Lancers - African                                 $18.00                                  3
 MFC-011     Volontaires de Saxe Lancers - European                              $18.00                                  3


  1. Is there any possibility of having a UK supply of your Minden figures, I note that Crann Tara Miniatures have the Hanoverian range but I started on the Austrians when the range was UK based.
    I paint slow and find with large number of figures my attention wanders so I end up with a lot of half painted figures so small numbers unit at a time give completely painted figures.
    Terry Smith

  2. Jim, here is the link to the Hardcore History podcasts I was telling you about, give it a try for sure. Loving the Minden figures.
    Tod K

  3. Love your figures, how does one order them?
